
CCNIEC Prize for the best food industry initiative

The Catalan Nutrition Centre of the Institute of Catalan Studies (Catalan initials: CCNIEC), awarded its annual prizes on 5 October. On this occasion, Borges Mediterranean Group received the CCNIEC  best food industry initiative award for its work in the field of Health, Nutrition and Healthy Lifestyles.

The ceremony took place in the Institute’s Prat de la Riba Hall and was presided over by Salvador Giner, president of the Institute, Antoni Mateu, Director of the Public Health Agency of Catalonia and Domingo Villa, Director General of Food, Quality and Agri-food Industries at Catalonia’s Generalitat (regional government). The event was opened by Jordi Sales, director of CCNIEC. The prize was collected by Antoni Pont i Amenos on behalf of the Group.

The fundamental objective of CCNIEC, formed in 1999, is to contribute to advances in basic and applied research in nutrition, improving the quality of nutritional training and information in society.

The CCNIEC prize for the best food industry initiative in the field of scientific research commended the work of Borges Mediterranean Group “in relation to the benefits of eating nuts and the Mediterranean diet”. The jury gave particular credit to the company, leader in the nut and olive oil sectors, for collaborating in the sponsorship of a range of research projects instigated in Catalonia, among which it highlighted the PREDIMED study, a multi-centre research project led by Catalans to evaluate the effect of the Mediterranean diet on the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease.